Want to Learn an Instrument as an Adult? Here's How to Get Started

“You will never be able to make money as a musician.”
”Classical music is boring.”
”You’ll never make it big.”

The number one reason why many people never continue learning music past what elementary school requires is because of sayings like these. What’s the point of learning music if it’s not going to benefit you later? Well, studies are now showing the benefits of learning music at a young age and what it can help you achieve in your everyday lives as an adult.

So now what? You’re in corporate America and you finally have time (and money) to pick up an instrument. Where do you even start? Who can you even talk to? It may seem intimidating at first, but here are some tips and tricks to fast-track the start of your new musical career!

Tip 1: You get what you pay for

When purchasing an instrument, it can feel like a daunting task at times, and it is easy to fall into the mentality that you should spend as little money as possible. I mean, one quick search on Amazon will show you that you can get a violin and all the accessories you need for a couple hundred bucks. Totally worth your money, right? Unfortunately, you will learn the hard way that you, indeed, get what you pay for. Plastic instruments, weak strings, low-quality workmanship, the list goes on and on.

Tip 2: Get fitted

Tip 3: Find a teacher

Tip 4: Community groups

Tip 5: Perform, perform, perform